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(Posted by one of the messengerS, All rights re-served; March 7, 2015) Disclaimer: since i’m not a writer, but only a small messenger, the text that follows is boring and not clear, and even when it was funny, it happened in front of another messenger and on a virtual paper sounds pretty dull; so if U R looking for a literature or at least something reasonably readable than U have many other blogs. For us it’s enough to ask the questions and to wait for an answers. We would like every person who has want and time to suggest their own explanations. U can write anything except copy and paste from Wikipedia, because we already did it. U can write anonymously, about your own experience, as long as U answer the question: what’s the psychological, inner reasons and motives for people to harm another for a sake of harming? But of course U R always welcome to answer other questions or question other answers. Any comments, suggestions or solutions are very anticipated. Thank you very much! primum non nocere

Why we want to inflict pain on someone?


Today we r not going to talk about retaliation/revenge, mental abnormality, moral right or anything of this kind. We will try to contemplate about Real Evil, if it exists. We heard that some philosophers already found some answers, but since they keep their answers in their books (and usually we don’t see their connection to the “RealLife”); we think it’s important to talk about it, even if we have no idea what we are talking about. What’s important to us is not the Philosophy for a sake of the debate, but the Compassion, i.e. the actual feeling of feelings of other people. From our point of view, we can even repeat same mantra: “Compassion-Noissapmoc-Compassion”, etc., as long as it works. And even if it doesn’t, WordPress very compassionately gives us space to express our thoughts. Thank You!

Why some people like to see someone else suffering? There are many answers possible and they all might be right. Every answer describes its specific perspective & context. Yet, when Leibniz, for ex. “Theodicing” (since we all have Google, then we can google all, for ex.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodicy) that evil of human beings doesn’t mean that God is not Good or Omnipotent; it’s different from discussing the psychology/nature of human evilness itself, w/o talking about God or devil. Because often it looks that all people are bad, and evil ones are those who just actually do it; others out of fear from God don’t harm another living beings, so they are considered pretty normal, OK or even good citizens. If i understand right, then w/o God/punishment/intimidation, etc. all people 24/7 will engage in pure evilness and all those books & blogs about compassion are simply losers’ whinings. While in my case it’s very close to the truth, i must remind that most of religious founders ( Jesus, Buddha, etc.) talked about Love, Compassion, Kindness and even Forgiveness, i.e. those very people who lead us to God, say that although people might be evil, they also might be …at least not so bad.

Since probability that evil people read blogs about compassion is very low i wouldn’t share my brilliant “selfish compassion” argument, that to be good is more useful and beneficial to the evil persons themselves, than to be bad, because when U r bad people won’t like U, and when u r good people will. i’m not sure if this argument just doesn’t work in practice or to be liked by people is by far less important in our hectic/ busy societies, than for ex. to be respected, valued, honored, feared or whatever is the case in a specific circumstances. While in theory this argument seems pretty solid, in reality we all know good people who are nice and nothing, and bad people who are successful and powerful. Which is not necessarily “bad” of course, but due to the inherent nature of the Power, powerful people like to abuse, disuse and misuse their powers. i personally “like” the explanation, that those people don’t know how to live. Somewhere in the past they tried to be happy, to love & to be loved, but their surroundings or karma, or both or whatever didn’t let them to live positively, in joy, so they have died. Psychologically. They became harsh, rough; they lost their hope in humanity. They r dead in the sense that they don’t know how to live in order to be happy, which we still believe is 1 of the main meanings and reasons of life. So in order to feel alive they poking death or its replica (pain, suffering)- sometimes their own, sometimes of other people. Danger, emotion of extreme fear somewhy gives them the feeling of being alive.

The question is why we choose this perversed  option, instead of trying to be happy regardless/despite the evil around us? We ask U pliz to share ur ideas. i, personally think, that by the time U become aware of that option, U already lived for many years in the mode/ condition/ environment of despair and pain, since all the bad things that happen to U, happen immediately after U born or in ur early childhood, when U cannot resist it in a mature and positive way. Somewhy we respond to the life out of fear. (disclaimer: we r talking, of course, about those who r, if U always responded from love, then this article is not about U). Why? Collective consciousness or rather sub/unconsciousness? Probably. But all this is important only because we need to find solution to how to become happy. Me, personally, for ex. Luckily i never (i hope) wanted to inflict on someone pain in order to feel alive, i wrote music instead, but i am far from being happy. i read many books, & they help, but only till certain point (usually it’s the threshold of my apartment), so i’d like to hear from those who found joy, who REALLY transformed themselves from misery to at least 50% of JoyfulLife and kept if for at least few years. (of course anyone is welcome to write about anything except rocket science). Thank U for ur help! (To be continued of course, i have to go write music now). Read U later! And:

primum non nocere