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Earth in Heart

1. Only recently we realized that to finish college is not the most important thing in our lives. That to achieve success is not our only dream. We always knew it, but realized only recently. Depending on the time, place and people around U, it might look as if sex, status, money, pleasures, etc. are THE Most Important things in the whole Universe. & if U think they R- then they R; at least for U, at that time and place.

But only recently we realized, that the old cliche of “All we need is LOVE”, or about friendship, kindness, honesty, happiness, etc., is cliche for a reason. Cliche is something not original, it’s not something that isn’t true. What REALLY matters stays in the backyard of our lives most of time. Partly because of us, partly because of people around us. We might sing about it, we can read about it, we may talk about it, we might even write about it, but usually we don’t “live about it”. Unless something drastic happened.

Something very drasticĀ happened to us too. Now we realize how our life is fragile and short. And we need to focus on what’s REALLY important. Happiness, Joy,Love, Friendship. But all this is impossible if we will continue to live as rivals, instead of cooperators; if we won’t try to understand one another and every person around us. This blog is about COMPASSION. Pliz, help us to understand all of us, ur good and bad intentions, ur inner motives. Help us to move from realization to REAL-IS-ation or whatever the word: make the words of Compassion to a living manifestation of our daily, routine lives. Thank U very much!!!